Breakthrough Success Call

The next step is to book a FREE Clarity Breakthrough call.

This is an opportunity for us both to get super clear and on the same page with where you are now, where you have been and where you deeply desire to go!

During this time I will help you identify and pinpoint exactly what is holding you back from having everything you want, and I will help you map out a clear action plan, specific to you, moving forward.

I will also take you through how I can best serve you to have an imminent breakthrough, and I will be sharing some ways we can take the next most powerful step forward together, if that feels right for the both of us, and is a “F” yes for you.

Sovereignty Alignment Foundational Session – 90mins


If you are someone who’s truly ready to get unstuck, get clear, move mountains in your life and begin to take inspired actions steps towards success in life, love and business; you need to start here.

You can’t build anything worthwhile on rubble.
This deeply activating session will clear the page to allow for a deep dive to recover the true you.
We will clean space (mind, body, energy, emotion) to lay a solid foundation so you can begin to build and create a NEW, ALIGNED you.

Imagine feeling clear, peaceful, present, heart connected and in your body, grounded and powerful like never before.
That version of you can make fantastic decisions and take inspired action!
That version of you is not running on the past. Not anxious about the future. But stands firmly in the NOW.
That version of you can attract, and RECEIVE, all that you desire!

This truly is the start of the journey back to your whole SELF as we begin the ‘heavy lifting’ and letting go of any cords of attachment or connection to other people, places and things.
We will identify the key themes (negative thoughts, feelings and belief systems) or ‘boulders’ that have been holding you back, stopping or blocking you.
And you will powerfully reclaim your sovereign self: ‘yourself, yourself and no one but yourself!’

In this potent 90 minutes you will be introduced to the key concepts and Quantum tools we will be using throughout your healing journey working with the Flower of Life™ to align all ‘4 bodies’: mental, physical, emotional and energetic.

You will leave this session with a ‘Clear Action Plan’ (a step by step guide, in writing) so you can continue to work on things and know with certainty: what are the next most obvious steps unique to you – to take from where you are now to align to where you now choose to go!

Most often the response I get from my clients after this session is this is the most clear, peaceful, trusting and liberated they have ever felt.
Almost like they get to take a deep breath… for the very first time.


What others say:

“Ella constantly takes me to places where the light has not shown for many lifetimes. She seems to see where I could allow more of myself to grow, with gentle nudges she prompts me to look at things that I haven’t looked at for a long time or dare to look at either because I was ashamed or felt that I was unworthy. Personal growth is never easy, but I love it, because it’s the most rewarding out of anything that I’ve ever done. Ella is, no word of a lie, special, a seer, a medium, a personal coach, an empath who I  genuinely feel that she will take every opportunity to equip me with the tools to empower myself so that I can work through it and own my stuff. The biggest critic is yourself, once I’ve started working with Ella and owning my stuff, acknowledge her gifts and using her tools I started liking the person that I saw in the mirror.

I mentioned personal coach because it’s very important to shine light on this aspect of Ella, she is not a book learnt giver, but a life lived member. She has been in the valleys and she has been on the peeks, it’s not easy to find someone who has embodied courage, done the work and talks the walk. I write this for your amazing fully empowered life, my brother’s, my sister’s, live long in love, in happiness, and prosperity.”


“If you want to find the empowering people and places that exist inside you I encourage you to seek out Ella as your guide. She can be your catalyst to conquering the things you didn’t even know were limiting your life. In just an hour Ella had me connecting and reconnecting with parts of me that either never knew existed or I had lost contact with altogether. Thank you Ella.”

David Fagan – Business Mogul

“Where to start with Ella? A world-class talent; her insight and intuitive expertise are unparalleled. I came to the session seeking clarity and alignment regarding the passion and purpose of my small business. She gently guided me through the process and has opened my mind to new opportunities and experiences. My offering now feels fully congruent to my vision and values. The impact in the days following has been astonishing – brand new interactions and openings have arisen, with a meaningful change in my own thought process and barriers. The results were almost instantly effective and I will be forever grateful for her gift.”


“A huge THANK YOU! I am so full of gratitude for your work with me during our session in January. Even after four weeks, my life is almost completely different now to what it was two months ago! It’s only the start of the school year, but I’m enjoying my role at school so much more now. I have a renewed sense of purpose and my intention has been and will remain to enjoy what I do and how I’m doing it too! My relationships with my friends and family have improved and most importantly I’ve reconnected with a potential partner whom I met in July 2016. And I’ve had more fun and exciting dates in the last three weeks than I’ve had in the last three years. Thank you so much for helping me get back to my sovereignty!! It’s been so powerful. With gratitude”
