Tantra Meaning: To Weave & to Expand
Hello beautiful Couple!
Congratulations, you and your beloved have both decided to give yourselves the ultimate GIFT of curious exploration and and empowerment in deepening the intimacy and connection between both of you with deep diving into Tantra.
Please note: All couples experiences come with access to Home Play (homework that’s fun!) to allow for you to deepen the practise both solo and together, long after our session and for all time to come!
The goal of Tantra is… there is no goal!
When working with couples, as you are each so individual and unique as a union we must ensure that the INTENTION for the session is crystal clear…
This intention lays the foundation for the session and is the key to delivering you both the most memorable and fulfilling experience… Therefore a phone interview is where we begin… always! We aLL need to be clear and on the same page to move forwards empowered!
I usually suggest, for those who are serious to learn from and take their journey deep with me – that we run the sessions in 2 distinct PHASES.
Start here…
Session 1- (1x for HIM/ 1 x for HER)
2 x One on One x 90 mins SOVEREIGNTY ALIGNMENT SESSION (via zoom online)
You bring you into a relationship. ALL of you. Yourself, yourself and no one but yourself. And… Sometimes we forget this. We merge with our partner and look tot hem to ‘fill us up’ or meet our unspoken expectations etc This can lead to a world of imbalances and take us into feelings of not being seen, heard, respected or even loved.
This session is the deep inner work for each of you individually that paves the way and lays the foundation to bring you back to the unique and powerful beings you each are. The individuals who CHOSE the relationship and each other. When we reconnect to ourselves, release anything heavy we might be projecting or carrying we are free to invite in a space for more integrity, ease, grace, intimacy, connection and flow when both parties then choose to come together for the Values, Intimacy & Connection Session to follow.
(These sessions are gold and will not just serve you in the now but will allow you the space to create positive and fresh energy/ experiences both independently and together moving forwards!)
Session 2- 1x Couples 90 mins VALUES, INTIMACY & CONNECTION SESSION –
Both parties in person
This session will lay a very solid foundation of Tantric understanding, connection and non erotic embodied practice for you both to play with and build on whilst you begin to rediscover yourselves and each other anew! I will also give you both some delicious practices to take home with you as well.
- Intentions
- Open Communication – Importance around context in relating, being present as active listener and building trust, deepening into and bridging new ways of intimacy and connection.
- Ella’s 7 Golden Keys of Tantra
- Introduction to Tantra/ sacred sexuality core principals and basics
- Creating sacred space
– Series: Clearing breath / Heart to heart breath/ Sola Luna Breath/ Synchronised breath with pc/ pf squeezing
~ Start Here ~
Breakthrough Success Call
The next step is to book a FREE Clarity Breakthrough call. **It’s important for both parties (the couple) to be on the same call so we go through it once and one time only.**
This is an opportunity for us all to get super clear and on the same page with where you are now, where you have been and where you deeply desire to go!
During this time I will help you identify and pinpoint exactly what is holding you back from having everything you want, and I will help you map out a clear action plan, specific to you both, moving forward.
I will also take you through how I can best serve you to have an imminent breakthrough, and I will be sharing some ways we can take the next most powerful step forward together, if that feels right for the both of us, and is a “F” yes from both of you.
*** PLEASE NOTE: Until I meet you both and we are all on exactly the same page and begin the journey it’s hard to know exactly what you will want, need and desire – but here are a few suggested ways in which we can begin the journey…
Please note: Sessions can be uniquely tailored to you and your specific intention and requirements so please feel free to discuss…
~ Tantra Taster 2.5 hours ~
These 2.5 hour sessions are offered as a ‘taste’ of Tantra… For those who just want to dip their toe in the water….
As we only have a limited time together it’s important that the intention for these sessions is focussed predominantly only on one party: either just for HIM or just for HER…
(see below for more details on HIM and HER bodywork sessions). I am happy to discuss this in more detail.
*Remember your INTENTION will create the basis of the session and dictate the direction we take*
i.e. Your intention might be to focus on HER and learn:
– How to give her a beautiful Tantric massage
– The art of Feminine pleasure, exploring Yoni worship
– Awakening the heart of your woman
Tantra Tasters are conducted at Ella’s beautiful Temple space
~Energetic Alignment for THEM
~ Basic Tantric Principles
~ Couples connection – Theory & Practise
~ 1 hour of Bodywork: Guided by the Goddess ~ Initiation & Full Body Worship
(for HIM or For HER)
Some couples who opt to work with me as their Guide know they are wanting a full Tantric experience… No expense spared… They are ready to jump straight into the deep end!
For these adventurous souls I recommend they make it an experience and a day or night to remember!
This experience is totally decadent and run like a mini workshop. You will be guaranteed to take so much GOLD in education and embodied practice from an experience such as this…
Read on…
~ Tantric Initiation for HIM & FOR HER ~
4 hours
This Session is run in 4 parts:
Part ~ 1: Drop into the space / Energetic Alignment ~
We start the day/ evening by dropping into the space and cleaning up and removing any old holding, stagnant energy, uncleared emotions or ‘blocks’ so that unconditional loving energy can flow throughout your body, between one another and throughout the evening with ease and grace and all innate gifts are free to come online.
This is an essential aspect of all the work I do as it lays a beautiful platform for everyone to feel safe and held (no ‘funky vibes’) so you can both let go, surrender, deepen and be open to experience all your bliss, all your pleasure!
Part ~ 2: Couples Intimacy 7 Connection Practise ~
– Tantric Keys – Intention, Breath, Sound & Movement
– Explore the N.E.O (Energetic orgasm/ Orgasmic States)
– Transfiguration practise
– Sensory play :Earth, Air, Fire, Water
– Initiation rituals
At this point couples are very connected and ultimately excited to take it to the next level…
Part ~ 3: Bodywork for HIM – Full Body Worship ~ ‘Awaken the Shiva’ ~
HE Receives
“The males positive pole of energy is his Lingam or cock… You warm a man ‘up’ to awaken his heart” Ella
I will be guide the feminine in actively giving to her man as he surrenders into the loving arms of the Shakti (Goddess) to awaken his Shiva (God-man).
This worship of the divine masculine is deeply beautiful and healing as loving hands of the feminine caress and move energy up from the tips of his toes to the crown of his head. So much love and so much touch… As he lets go and surrenders to receive he awakens more and more to his pleasure.
Through breath, sound and movement he will experience and embody orgasmic states as he learns to master the art of implosion as opposed to a one flavour explosion, all the while guided and held by his beloved.
I will be guiding you both through the practise of Tantric full body worship this includes the sacred art of Lingam or cock worship.
~ 4: Bodywork For HER – Full Body Worship ~ ‘Awaken the Shakti’ ~
SHE Receives
This is a Heart opening expansion experience that works with the Feminine positive pole of energy (the heart). Can include Yoni Worship (Vagina worship) if desired…
‘You warm a woman ‘down’… In order for the Vagina to open her golden gates and surrender to her pleasure fully you must first make love to a woman’s heart!’ Ella
In this process the divine feminine can surrender and RECEIVE as she melts into the loving arms of her God man. Again allow my energy and voice to guide yourself and the masculine to a new level of intimacy, connection, opening and appreciation as you are energetically held by the Goddess and physically stroked and held by your Shiva (God man) to remember and embody your divinity…
You are safe to allow your radiant heart to open and lead you to experience how amazing and orgasmic energy can feel as it is moved through your body through intention, breath, sound and movement and by your lover!
Come together as you weave into one being… united in Tantric Union.
~ Important Notes ~ Boundaries ~
- I am in no way a sex worker, I am a Sacred Sexuality Coach and Guide there is never any giving to me.
- Boundaries are something that are discussed and agreed upon prior to any of our sessions together. Clarity equals power! There are no ‘grey’ areas when you work with me. Just open conscious communication…. Everyone involved has the right to express their empowered “YES” and unashamed “NO” at anytime.
- Everyone must feel safe and secure at ALL times as we are journeying together… Everything I do is safe, healthy and ecological. I work with, hold and honor the highest and best intentions of all involved. It is only when you feel truly safe can you ever allow yourself to totally surrender into the moment and go really deep. It is in these deep, altered states of consciousness that you RECEIVE and fully embody all the gifts!!!
- This is YOUR experience. YOU are the ‘driver’ – I am the ‘tour guide’… In all of these sessions I as the navigating Goddess work either in a g-string, sarong or fully clothed… whatever makes you comfortable.
- The only silly question is the one you do not ask… if there is anything you need clarified in anyway please, ask away…
~ This truly is the gift that just keeps giving! ~
Not only will this experience unlock new doorways of connection between you both, but it will also take your understanding of yourselves to new levels of deeper intimacy and pleasure as you become aware and begin to explore the sacred art of sex… Both as individuals AND as a conscious couple you will look through fresh eyes. Kick start your passion and refuel the fire as you begin on the journey of expansion together through Tantric practice!
Yes Yes YES to expansion!!!
~ Start Here ~
Breakthrough Success Call
The next step is to book a FREE Clarity Breakthrough call. **It’s important for both parties (the couple) to be on the same call so we go through it once and one time only.**
This is an opportunity for us all to get super clear and on the same page with where you are now, where you have been and where you deeply desire to go!
During this time I will help you identify and pinpoint exactly what is holding you back from having everything you want, and I will help you map out a clear action plan, specific to you both, moving forward.
I will also take you through how I can best serve you to have an imminent breakthrough, and I will be sharing some ways we can take the next most powerful step forward together, if that feels right for the both of us, and is a “F” yes from both of you.
~ Testimonials ~
“My partner and I are currently working with this beautiful lady both energetically, tantric, separate and together. It is amazing how truly beautiful, full of integrity, passion, honesty and love she is and has. Ella is not only someone we are journeying with but a soul we love and adore and we are so grateful on all levels.”
Charlotte & Paul
“I stumbled onto Ella’s page looking into ways to bring my beautiful partner back online sexually after past sexual trauma she suffered in her teens resurfaced. I needed something that would be safe and gentle, and that she would also be into… We were desperate. All the joy had been taken out of her and our sex life. I am a patient man and I love her unconditionally. But I knew there must be something we could do together that could bring back the woman I met 5 years ago. The passion we both shared. We are a young good looking couple and only have eyes for each other. So it hurts when you see your partner hurting and you feel constantly shut down. I love her but, to be honest, I didn’t think I could continue this way if nothing changed.
I liked the fact that Ella is a life coach so that grabbed me. Ella took the time and spoke to us both in depth explaining the service and how we would all journey together. My partner was really on board and open to the idea.
We invested in the ‘The Experience Package’. I spared no expense hiring a room at the Sofitel and making the night a magical one from start to finish. Ella gave us ground work and by the time she arrived we were already in such an open state to receive her that the night flowed and 4 hours was over in a flash, yet it felt like all time stopped completely.
It was magic. My beautiful lady opened before me. Tears were shed. I got to see the feminine in a brand new light that both made my knees weak and honored me as a man. I know what my woman needs now in order to feel safe and held. Ella is a life changer and saved our relationship.
Thank you Goddess. Forever in your debt.”
Hank & Sarah
“What can we say… Ella, thanks for an amazing, exciting, empowering experience. We will do our exercises and practise well. We have never been so happy to practise anything before ? Love how you call it ‘Home-PLAY’!”
Steve & Ali
For more Testimonials click here
~ A note from Ella ~
Please know that I deeply appreciate this is an investment in both your evolution as a conscious couple and individual initiations into your sacred sexuality.
I am privileged and honored to be considered as your guide. This is my passion. This is my purpose.
Know this is only a suggested format for working together as a couple with Tantra…
We can do so many other things too and take things anywhere from here as things pop up or need to be addressed but this is a foundation we can then build upon.
For now I would love to say welcome to the journey in whatever way that will look and unfold…
Thank you both for your trust in me and giving yourselves this gift.
I look forward to journeying with you.